Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM) recently contributed stay-safe kits to the Malaysia Association for the Blind (MAB) to distribute to the visually impaired.
The stay-safe kits consist of face masks and hand sanitisers to help recipients stay safe and protect themselves against coronavirus infection.
"This is a small gesture on our PIDM's part to support communities in need around us. We hope the stay-safe kits will come in handy in this challenging time," said Rafiz Azuan Abdullah, Chief Executive Officer of PIDM.
He added that PIDM does not intend to make this a one-off contribution as it is looking at collaborating with MAB to develop modules on basic personal finance for the visually impaired and other ways that can help improve the community's financial resilience over the long term.
The visually impaired face a great challenge during the pandemic as their livelihood, which depends on the sense of touch, is greatly affected by social distancing measures and movement control orders. According to the Malaysian Foundation for the Blind, 95% of the blind community in Klang Valley fall under the B40 income group.